Script call

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Support HTTP interface. When calling script, please keep the main interface of virtual box in the foreground instead of switching to the background. The returned results are saved in / var / mobile / vboxresult Txt, 1 represents successful completion, 0 represents failure, and 2 represents execution in progress. Each time the script is executed, wait for one second to judge the result. If it is 2, it means that it is being executed. Continue to wait for one second and then read the result. In this way, it will only wait one more second at most. The following are all script instructions:
1. Create a new instance
2. Original instance
3. Next instance
4. First instance
5. Switch to the specified instance. Note that the current record cannot be switched, the disabled record cannot be switched, and the nonexistent record cannot be switched -07-03-21-24-13-52
6. Delete the specified instance -07-03-21-24-13-52
7. Delete all instances
8. To obtain the device parameters of the specified instance, you need to specify the saved path -07-03-21-24-13-52&saveFilePath=/var/mobile/test. plist
9. Get the name of the current instance
10. To obtain the setting parameters of the current instance, you need to specify the saved path
11. Get the names of all instances
12. Modify the instance name and specify the old name and new name. The disabled instance cannot be renamed and the original instance cannot be renamed -07-03-21-24-13-52&newName=2020
13. To set the device parameters of the specified instance, you need to specify the file path -07-03-21-24-13-52&filePath=/var/mobile/test. plist
14. To set the device parameters of the current instance, you need to specify the file path
15. Export the backup instance and save the file in / var / mobile / VBox_ Export, each tar package represents an instance. If the exported data is to be placed on other machines, please set exportkeychain = 0, because the cross machine or cross system Keychain cannot be universal, which is easy to cause the system to be activated. If this machine is used, it is recommended that exportkeychain = 0 to make the data more complete.
16. Import the backup instance and put the file in / var / mobile / VBox_ export。 The importkeychain parameter is the same as above.